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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 18, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EST

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>> it's going to be hard for the democrats to have anything to run on. dave there are no matter what the media says about the economy, it's roaring. thank you for joining us. louis back tomorrow. please join melissa francis and me on "after the bell." kennedy: the federal government hurtling towards a shutdown. what will that mean for you? sloppy steve bannon reportedly working on a deal with special counsel robert mueller. a report claims the only way to save the government is to waste money on earmarks? what? tim carney explains. paul ryan's head is filled with delicious wisconsin cheese and little else. with no new ideas to convince
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his troops of the truth, the house speaker came up with this brilliant plan to hold off a government shutdown. how about a continuing resolution? here is the thing about continuing resolution. they are the kardashians of congress. they are lazy, side and get more attention than they deserve. ryan is hoping this one-month can kick is enough to momentarily stave off embarrassment. it's not. ryan should have his can kicked out of congress for his constant reliance on fictions that's portray shameful laziness at not being able to pass a decent spending bill. if there is a shutdown, it's the party in power that's controls both chambers and the presidency. their fault.
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republicans have gotten so bad at messaging. freedom caucus members are right to balance can at boy wonder's left-handedness. just as they deserve more from an out of touch congress. let's start the show. i'm kennedy. the deadline for a deal is midnight sharp friday night. so will there be a government shutdown? and if so, who are the heroes and who are the villains? joining me now, dave brat. >> tell me what you really think. kennedy: on some level you have to agree with me. this has been a failure of leadership from the top down in the house. >> i will take a little exception. the major failure all year has
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went in senate. we passed a budget already. the problem now is the senate hasn't taken up of any our 12 appropriations bills. we passed healthcare, 400 bills waiting in the senate. they did a face plant on healthcare, and three bills. they said they are probably not going to do a budget for next year. that means you are giving up reconciliation. that's the only place where you get leverage to get 51 votes on the economy. if you substitute mitch mcconnell for ryan -- >> i think mcconnell should go, too. i think the freedom caucus is right to have serious reservations about passing another one to avoid a shutdown. where are you on all of this? >> we weakened our hand and said
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let's plus up the military and that's it for a year, then do the c.r., rest of it. that was the republican play call. the senate can't handle that. now we are in these c.r.s. we are saying, mr. speaker, please go over there to the senate and tell them we are not going to get rolled for the fourth time. they rolled us on healthcare, the last budget, the upcoming budget. and then we have the daca deal. you see what it looks ike from the senate, they are democrat bills. it amounts to trading off a couple million votes for a visa lottery program. it's a disaster. we want assurances on both of those, the military piece and on a parallel track goodlatte bill. goodlatte is the chairman of judiciary.
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we have got a daca bill that's rational that will avoid repeating the the same problems we have right now for the next 20 years. kennedy: unfortunately it's been tied to this idea of a spending bill. and it gets so late that no offense, you guys look incompetent for passing another continuing resolution at the end of the day. people are looking around and saying you are worried your party is going to be safe in the mid-term elections. if you can't pass basic spending bills. and with all due respect, and i understand you had a phenomenal victory over eric cantor when your campaign of ideas beat an establishment swamp creature who had his own ideas about immigration. but hearing people in the house blame the senate for the issues that now become our problem, it
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rings very hollow. >> it should because we have leverage if we go out and message and put pressure on the senate. and that's what's been missing. we passed all the bills. but that's not good enough. when the senate says no, they are not going to go. they need 8 democrat votes on this piece. and schumer just signaled they may pull out of the negotiations all together, about two minutes ago. the freedom caucus, every christmas you light up the spending like crazy. we have been the lone voice telling people, we get hit by the mac truck every year. we get smacked up side the head for trying to tell the truth. we have a trillion dollar deficit coming up this year and as far as the eye can see. one-year deficit a trillion. we have to break that cycle. we always say we are going to.
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but we have to do more than talk. we have to deliver. you are right, keep it coming at us. kennedy: congressman brat, thank you for being with us. when it comes to surveillance and trimming government, keep up the good fight. >> you had my good friend thomas massie on, he's a hero. kennedy: today on "varney and company" mick mulvaney made the case that a shutdown wouldn't affect most of americans. >> social security checks would go out. many payroll checks to government workers would also go out if the agency has enough money in their account on the next payday. kennedy: is that an excuse for big government buffoon are you? lawrence jones is back in action along with ann hayworth and from
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"the next revolution," the host, steve hilton is here. welcome back. i'm frustrated that we get these constant continuing resolutions. it seems like congress isn't doing their job. obviously they are laying the blame on thick and not taking enough of the responsibility. what do you see happening here? >> i think they will do this temporary fix because they always do. and i think they believe whatever they say. there is morris next shutdown and they are not quite sure where the blame will be laid so they want to avoid. but your point is exactly right. why do we keep finding ourselves in these situations? one of the reasons is you have massive below thed federal government that gets involved in so many things. it means everyone has their lobbying snouts in the trough and constituent is to buy off --
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constituencies to buy off. it's really embarrassing. kennedy: it's like when your kid is ready to go to bed and says i have a report due tomorrow. >> memories of school for me, kennedy. kennedy: you made it through. >> i did actually thank you. but steve is absolutely right. just what we are all thinking. our federal government fundamentally is too big. we have an electorate that supports that in their own little ways. add to that, yes, process. because that is part of this. we have the clear majority right now in the house. in the senate to have a legislative majority you need 60. they don't have that.
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so the democrats can grind the process. kennedy: cory booker drives me crazy. but he says if you are such a deal maker, make a deal, and that message resonates with the american people. >> that's no excuse. trump is a businessman. though i'm a supporter of the president. if the government shuts down, so what? i don't care. my generation will be paying for this. the fact that our elected officials are acting like children. it's like my mom making me and my brother put on the same t-shirt and talk to each other. it has to be fixed. kennedy: you can't pay the credit card bill when it comes and it's coming.
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special counsel robert mueller just made his first move on trump's inner circle as he subpoenaed steve bannon to appear before a grand jury. reports say bannon will fully cooperate. that's a lot different from how bannon handled himself in front of the hughes intelligence committee. the former white house chief strategist apparently stonewalled the committee saying he wasn't going to answer. and it could infringe and executive privilege. this infuriated lawmakers on both sides. so will mueller crack bannon like an egg? >> i think he will. because in the end that's the most of important game in town. i find this insufferable. i'm sick of hearing about it. this whole story about the
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russia investigation is about the story. we are losing sight of the main fact that no one has established anything serious that went wrong in terms of our national interest with russia interference conclusion that was supposedly at the start of it. you have adam schiff that i find just as nauseating as cory booker. grandstanding. but why? what's it all about other than keeping the democrats talking about something that avoids their responsibility for not having a message. kennedy: and it helps them without coming up with meaningful ideas. >> bannon opened up this door by running to this fraud that wrote this book and saying it was treasonous with junior did. it contradicts his past statements.
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but he opened the door to this. now he put fuel on this investigation that i think could have been over by now. >> he admitted in the testimony he was willing to provide yesterday that he had been using hyperbole with michael wolff. surprise surprise. what else is mueller going to come up with. probably not have much. >> he's not a credible witness. mueller knows this. kennedy: republicans despise him and want to discredit him. but democrats can't like him. it's not the type of thing where they can give him a boost. >> of all the sloppiness he engaged in, speaking to michael wolff is top on the list. kennedy: and very disloyal. the party panel returns later. secretary of state rex tillerson
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says the u.s. may have no choice but to use military force against north korea. is war inevitable? i will ask bryan suit. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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kennedy: america is apparently ready for war with north korea according to secretary of state rex tillerson. the sobering statement delivered at a 20-nation summit in canada meant to show the communist regime the world has has it up to here. russia and china weren't invited. they are rumored partners with north korea. there is a bright spot amongst all the dark talk of arm get getten. the peninsula will march together at the opening ceremony of the olympic winter games and team up for a few sports as well. does any of this show promise for piece or just delay the
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inevitable, joining me, bryan suits. welcome back to the show. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: it appears for most of of the young administration, rex tillerson has played good cop on north korea. this is tougher talk from him. does this symbolize a shift in the administration or are they on a death march. >> it's like they took the good cop-bad cop and yesterday it morphed into less bad cop. by getting the band back together from the 50s, it looks like we are getting public consent from the prior participants of the u.n. side. there is no peace treaty.
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that's an ongoing situation. china and russia were the primary allies so of course they are not going to get invited to have. >> the president is saying where chain a has pulled back helping and appeasing north korea, russia has picked up the filthy slack. is that true? sit doesn't seem they are being helpful at all. >> it's absolutely true. the far east end of the korean-chinese border is 20 kilometers of north korean russian bored and the russians have reinforced that area of the border. it's probably one of the most of heavily watched borders.
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they are taking north korean coal out and large tarp-covered trucks are going into north korea. it doesn't take a genius or a satellite to know this. so let me ask you this, there is a lot of talk. no one wants a protracted war. south koreans don't want it. i hope the north koreans don't want it. chinese don't want it. but there is talk about something called the bloody nose. but i think people have no idea what it means, including myself. >> the notion would be that we would conduct a strike so limited that none of the airstrikes would originate from south korea store japan. that would give them moral cover to say don't retaliate on us.
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everything would happen from guam or poke that what which is d or okinawa. it would be a night strike and possibly ground troops to destroy their missile infrastructure. the threat would be if you retaliate you will make it a bigger war. the notion that the north koreans would sit back and let somebody invade them for five days is amazingly naive. the u.s. has been doing paratrooper drops in arizona after a four or five-hour flight. it simulates coming from guam. kennedy: life coaches are very, very popular in pyongyang. we only have 30 seconds left.
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what is the cost to us and the world for north korea keeping their nuclear weapons program. >> allowing a wacky regime to have nuclear leverage on anything they want to use it for. the olympics, drop letter b from the english language. this is not a rational actor. this is a regime that starved its own people to gain nuclear weapons. it's crazy. kennedy: they hurt and kill the people they purport to love most of, so why wouldn't they use those weapons of mass destruction to kill people they actually hate, meaning us. bryan suits, thank you for being here. >> good to see you, camera. kennedy: everybody seems to want a piece of the bitcoin pie.
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liberty mutual insurance. kennedy: helene welcome back. the price of bitcoin hit an all-time high, nearly $20,000 in
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december. date fell below $10,000. many are wondering if this is the beginning of the end for the world's best-known crypto currency. will it recover? great the see you. >> this was the 1929 moment for bitcoin. if you bought a month ago, you lost half your money. if you bought a year ago you are still up 1,000 percent. kennedy: i think the people who refinanced their homes when it was that high, that's not solid investing? >> no. this is completely unregulated. no government support or intervention. no bank's intervention. this is peer to peer.
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which is why people love it and hate it. extremely volatile. you should never buy bitcoin with money you can't afford to lose. kennedy: for some people. there are rumors of regulation in different parts of the world. >> this is starting to get bigger so you have government organizations saying we were willing to let this be its special side project against the crypto communities. but now more and more people are involved, maybe we should begin to clamp down. in south korea where bitcoin is very hot, they are saying, we might ban trading. you could still own it, you just can't trade it there. they haven't done it yet. but that was a big shot across the bow.
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you had retirees and students buying bitcoin. mainland china, you cannot trade. most of of the people in mainland china were processing through south score ria. kennedy: or north korea. >> the sec said u not put bitcoin or block chain, of any these buzz words that versus means, you can't slap that on your company and hope for the best because it's feeding this frenzy. wall street seems mixed. we had jpmorgan ceo saying it's a fraud, then he had a back peddle and say the block chain is real, the infrastructure hirnltd is real. kennedy: so is the risk. but sometimes there is an upside to that. >> i think conceptually this is
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fascinating. you had senator paul accepting bitcoin donations in his last campaign. you had peter teal. he made millions through his founders funds. i think eventually this is where money goes. and it's not that much different than you and i do apple pay. sounds like we have a deal. kennedy: president trump is healthy as a horse. at least according to rear admiral ronly jackson, the doctor who conducted the president's physical. the doctor also screened for neurological impairment. the president passed, scoring 30 out of 30 points. he was named presidential
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physician by barack obama. >> can you assess the president's mental fitness for office of. >> how does a guy who seats mcdonald's and all those diet cokes and never exercises is in as good a shape as you say he's in. >> do you keep a tally of how much golf the president plays. >>f is he limited to one scoop of ice cream now? kennedy: no, you are, dear. why is the white mouse press corps having kit -- the white house press corps having kittens over this. i will give each of you one question the president had to take. kitt -- katie pavlich brought ua good point.
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if hillary clinton were president how offensive would those questions have been. are you ready, steve hilton? >> i was hoping this would happen. kennedy: count down from 100, subtracting 7 each time. go. what? kennedy: very good. 89, 72. 65. kennedy: that's it. >> i was just going to say. kennedy: stay out of the white house. >> stay out of public, stay home. kennedy: i'll give you three word pairs and you tell me what they have in common. orange and banana.
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kennedy: train and bicycle. >> watch and ruler. >> two measurement devices. kennedy: lawrence, i'm going to give two sentences and i wants to you repeat them word for word. are you impaired? >> i don't -- kennedy: i only know that john is the one to help today. >> i only know that john is the one to help today. kennedy: very good. we have one more. the cat always hid under the couch when dogs were in room. >> the cat always hid under the couch when the dogs were in room. kennedy: i didn't say the room. i said room. you did it right. exactly what you were supposed to do.
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>> this test is from canada. some people would say let's give him an american test. kennedy: do you believe the president is in good health? >> listening as a physician i was impressed. the man is? outrageous good health. some minor changes are made with age. people were saying, don't wish you were as fit fast president obama who is a chain smoker. he's also a lot older. hat's off to the president. there is no way i would be giving them my physical and having my doctor go before the american people and testify how do i work out. what am i eating? kennedy: what do you think if they asked, do you see any signs
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of alzheimer's? if they asked one of those questions. >> one of them asked about his waist measurement. ernestness, the white house correspondent do you think it president should eat more chicken or fish? kennedy: that is vegannist. and we are out of time but not out of love for all of you. thank you also much for being here. here. "politico" claim (whispering) with the capital one venture card, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases. think about all the double miles you could be earning. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! ( ♪ )
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kennedy: one of the president's biggest campaign promises was draining the swamp. that's yes raised eyebrows when he said he was willing to consider bringing back earmarks. but the failure to fund the government has many republicans on the hill open to bringing earmarks back. saying it's the only way to keep the government running and avoid shutdown threats. what does it say about our government that the only way to
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get things done is to waste money and build bridges for turtles. joining us is tim carney. i think earmarks are stupid, wasteful, and an invitation to corruption. what do you think? >> they are absolutely corruption bait. not every earmark is corrupt and wasteful, but when you set up a process of earmarking you are asking for things that landed a republican congressman in jail last decade. there were defense contractors who bought his house for far more than market value and selling it for market value a day later. bridges to nowhere, and here is the thing. it wasn't primarily enriching
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the folks back home. it primarily enriches washington, d.c. and the lobbyists right here in down. it's about boosting the lobbying class we were supposed to get rid of or kneecap with this administration. someone has to get to the president and convince him this is a bad idea. >> republican party leaders never liked the earmark ban. it was popular sentiment overriding the wishes of party leadership. after the tea party came in, they said we are not going to do earmarks. this part of what's wrong with
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the harry reid, barack obama, nancy pelosi democrats. we are not going to do it. eventually by popular pressure they gave in. it was one of the most of populist moments of the tea party. this is what they wanted for the last 8 years. kennedy: the "politico" peace makes the argument that we are in political trench warfare. maybe each side gains a couple inches a day, but that's it. we are in a stalemate. i think the problem is you have only got two side. you have only got two parties that don't represent a core of people who share a series of beliefs. people are republican and democrat in name only. you need more parties.
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you don't need earmarks. you need smart coalitions of people who will get together and pursue the truth and do the right thing. i know that's wildly optimistic. >> it might not yield policy you or i like. i don't think there is necessarily a libertarian coalition to abolish the department transportation but there may be one to dial down domestic spying. that would be the sort of thing. but members of congress don't think it's their job to govern. they think it's their job to get re-elected. getting re-elected means standing with the party leadership and most of importantly avoiding tough votes. if you are going to avoid tough votes, then the on way to grease the skids is through this pork. the dollar amounts on pork barrel items, it adds up to
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little. but it creates corrupt incentives for federal government to get involved in ways it shouldn't be and brings in the private sector and the k street guys to suckle at the teat and it brings corruption. kennedy: achoo! (snap) achoo! (snap) achoo! achoo! (snap) (snap) achoo! achoo! feel a cold coming on? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage.
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kennedy: on this very day in 1998 president bill clinton gave a deposition on sexual harassment claims by paula jones. but it wasn't the biggest scandal of the year. this is the "topical storm." we begin in longview, texas where a rare snowfall inspired one dad to take his daughter out for a spin. there he goes. police warned motorists to stay
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off the road until it was necessary. but when you are the fun dad doing donuts, it's also absolutely necessary. this may look like a stunt but it's valuable daddy-daughter bonding time. take it from a girl who didn't get to do dough tbhuts her daddy. topic number two. school kids in mississippi. they got a snow day of their own and these kids deserved it because they have been getting a really bad rap. you students, it's a snow day. you teachers, it's a snow day. drink you some hot chocolate because this is a snow day.
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kennedy: the assistant principle's rapping snow advisory had the parents laughing and the pta check the donuts and brownies at the bake sale to make sure they weren't stuffed with reefers. and some of them wanted to find out who this 50 cent guy is. one commenter suggests he deserves his own reality show. they can call it "america's got issues." topic number three. philadelphia eagles fans have always been hard on visiting teams. now they are getting tough with visiting police horses. taylor hendricks was arrested base went full blazing saddles
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and punched a police horse in the face. one of my staffers joked the horse must have been wearing a jersey. i know this story might be upsetting to animal lovers. this happened in philadelphia so there is a good chants horse was drunk, too. a lot of people are saying the playoffs are a time to act like you have been there before. but in their defense most of them haven't. topic number four. a group of archeologists claim they found a throne carved from a meet right. from -- from a meteorite.
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even though tourism is down, they assure us this is not a pyramid scheme. take my wife, please. i have 38 of them because i am a pharaoh. an unsuccessfully used to find hillary clinton's email server. check the woods. she is always there. she is always asking, what happened? students at cairo university are building an inflatable row bat that can travel through small cracks and look at the center of the pyramids. kennedy's show is salty tonight. i could sprinkle you in my soup. topic number five. there you go. the tsa busted a couple at a
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pennsylvania airport after they attempted to smuggle a cat inside a piece of checked luggage. these are just a bunch of idiots. make her lie stowaway and save the baggage fee. they were flying from tampa too erie. i'll go out on a limb to say these weren't the only floridians to trigger a bag alert. but they did not find kilos. they found a female cat who had been without food or water for days. the couple was busted on the spot and the cat is looking for a home. she is mission an eye and two of her legs, her tongue and several vital organs. and she answers to the name lucky. coming you have on the "nightcap." i'll tell you how a bad joke on
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to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we've all got places to go! we've all got places to go! washington crossing the delaware turnpike? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money sean saved by switching to geico. big man with a horn. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. kennedy: williams college is the most of recent school to take fascism too far. students can report each other
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for such sins as telling a joke road in humor. if students think any joke or comments in the slightest about someone's gender, political affiliation or a dorm room white board, they can be reported, written and shunned for committing such terrible microaggressions. the logic is the trauma causes psychological harm that interfere with learning. how are you supposed to learn anything if you don't challenge believe, especially your own. and how do you make it through college without humor. they should send terrorists to college if they want to torture and reform them.
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you can follow me on facebook and instagram. - [voiceover] the following is a paid advertisement for credit secrets, sponsored by info up, llc. the product endorsers who appear have been compensated for their travel and lodging costs. all of the endorsers are actual enthusiastic and successful users of the credit secrets program. (warm music) - hi, i'm larry king. you know, you could be, through no fault of your own, one of the tens of millions of people in our country with a lower credit score than you deserve.


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